Pandit Shriniwas Guruji

Best Astrologer
in Mumbai

Incorporated in the year, 1996, at Mumbai, Maharashtra, Pandit Shriniwas Guruji is one of the renowned astrologers and enjoy massive popularity all the across the country


Best Astrologer in Mumbai – Genuine Astrologer

There are many predictive sciences and methods of divining information in this world. Astrology is one such science in which the movement of celestial or heavenly objects and their relative positions with respect to Earth's movements and location are studied for divination.

What Do We Do ?

The predictions include both human activities and Earthly events. If you are interested in getting your future checked and verified, then consult only the best astrologer in Mumbai. Our professional team of experts are reputed only for making high quality and accurate predictions. Do not compromise on the quality of service, and get an appointment with our famous astrologer in Mumbai today!

In both Eastern and Western cultures, Astrology has always had a special place for making accurate predictions about people, events, and life in general. When popularity is present, controversy is not far behind and astrology and astrologers are no different in this respect. There are those who vehemently question the assertion that "astrology is a science." However, there is enough evidence to suggest that, Astrology relies on scientific principles and makes a systematic study of planets and stars that are closest to the Earth in our Milky Way galaxy.

years of


our services

A positive indicator of a trustworthy astrologer is that he or she is educated and well aware of all the scientific concepts.

Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra or the science of architecture is a comprehensive set of tools, technologies, and methodologies for the construction of cities etc.

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Face Reading

Face Reading or physiognomy is an art and science, in which, the customers' faces are read for making accurate predictions on vital life issues.

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Horoscope is a professionally drawn astrological diagram or chart that connects the heavenly or celestial bodies like sun, moon, planets, and stars

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Palm Reading

Palm Reading, also known as palmistry or chiromancy, has a long and eventful tradition. It is primarily a predictive technique which relies on features.

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Nadi Shashtra

A predictive science or divination has inherent limitations including the astrologers expertise and customer co-operation.


Numbers have always fascinated humans and the exploration of numbers produced wonderful and precise knowledge ..

Eduction & Career

The science of timekeeping and making precise predictions is an integral part of Vedic astrology..

Love & Marriage

In the modern world, people either fall in love and have romantic marriages or they decide to go for traditional and arranged marriages.


In both Eastern and Western cultures, Astrology has always had a special place for making accurate predictions about people, events, and life in general.

Why Choose Us

Our professional team of experts are reputed only for making high quality and accurate predictions.

  • 100+

    Trusted by Million Clients

  • 30+

    Years of Experience

  • 55+

    Types of Horoscopes

  • 90+

    Qualified Astrologers

  • 99+

    Success Horoscope

get in touch with us!

We are quality-oriented astrological consultancy firm and therefore undertake all the measures that are needed for preserving and enhancing the quality of our services.

  • Shop No. 1, Ground Floor, Shanti Sadan, Opp. Meenatai Thakare Statue, Shivaji Park, Dadar West, Mumbai

  • 9833198334
